La più grande truffa sportiva e giudiziaria del secolo! Un gruppo di potere senza scrupoli, con l'aiuto di vari personaggi dei CC, della magistratura, dei media, hanno messo in piedi Calciopoli, sbarazzandosi della squadra e della società più forti di sempre. La verità però, piaccia o non piaccia (cit.), è venuta a galla...

sabato 5 novembre 2011

Believe in her.

Un tifoso norvegese ha scritto una canzone sulla Juve che è pura poesia.



Believe In Her (melody and lyrics by Gisle Grimstad)

A graceful lady dressed in black and white
was disgraced in the shadows by diabolical knights
They stripped her of her jewlery
and forced her down
as the black and blue vulture just stole her crown.

And I, I do believe in her
I do believe
Her heart is pure
And I'll never give up on her
She'll stay in my heart, forever more
That's for sure

The witchhunt caused her pain
She was in agony
Il Professore just barely survived you see
Her back against the wall
her feet tied tightly to the floor
A group of heroes untied her and opened the door

And they, they do believe in her
They do believe
Her heart is pure
And they'll never give up on her
They'll stay in our hearts, forever more
That's for sure

Il numero dieci, Pinturicchio
Il capitano, nostro bandiera, Il fenomeno vero
He never lets her down
He always stays there by her side
A true champion
who saved her, as she was caught by the tide

And he, he does believe in her
He does believe
Her heart is pure
And he'll never give up on her
He'll stay in our hearts, forever more
That's for sure

The old lady stands tall (Forza Juve, Forza Juve!)
Once again she's the queen of the ball
(Forza Juve, Forza Juve!)
Now she's gonna beat them all
She's gonna beat them all

And we, we all believe in her
We all believe
Her heart is pure
And we'll never give up on her
She'll stay in our hearts, forever more
That's for sure 

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